Strengthen Customer Relationships [Retention Rock Stars: Part 2]

strengthen customer relationships


Our business is a “contact sport”: The more we interact with our customers the better we strengthen customer relationships.   

Most of us do business with many of the big corporations (we don’t need to name names) and we shop for most of our commodities largely based on who has the best deal or what is the most convenient experience at the time. 

Insurance is different.

In insurance, customers are still loyal to people they like and trust and who demonstrate tremendous value in doing business with them.

We must make sure we are the business and people our customers can depend on through and through. The key is to strengthen customer relationships to stay top of mind. 


Here are 5 ways to consistently stay in front of your customers and strengthen your relationships:

1. Greeting Cards.  

In our time of email and texting and the next newest app meant to connect us with each other, the handwritten card has become a lost art. Set yourself apart from the others and send a greeting card. This can include birthday cards, Congratulations cards, sympathy cards, Get Well Soon cards or any other occasion you want to recognize. 

Tip: At my Agency we scroll newspapers and social media to see what our customers are bragging about and we send a note saying, “Congratulations! I saw that you…” card. We like to think it’s an unexpected and appreciated moment for our customer.

2. Hang on their walls or at their desks.  

Spend some money on imprinted items like calendars, pens, notepads, drinkware or  any other creative item meant to remain displayed on your customer’s wall or at their desk. The more they see your name and a little piece of your agency, the more connected they’ll feel to you. And, most importantly, you will remain top of mind when they have a need or a question about their insurance.

Tip: When you send the card from Tip #1, include one of these small promo items in the envelope, too.

3. Stay active on social media with your Agency.  

Your agency’s social media strategy should include posting at least once per day (or twice) with fun, informational and positive content.  People want to do business with people they like, trust and who demonstrate value. Social media is a free avenue for doing so… and everyone is one social media these days! Showcase your team and the things your team members have going on in and outside of work. Feature anything your agency is doing in the community. If you have some customers willing to be featured with a claims story that’s a great way to demonstrate a real life scenario on how you helped the customer through a tough time. 

4. Be visible in the community.  

We have a mantra at my Agency: Give back to the community and the community will give back to us. Seek out two or three causes you are personally passionate about and volunteer your time with them. Who wouldn’t be proud to see their insurance agent spending their time helping others within the community? Get the entire Agency involved. And when you do, don’t keep it a secret. Share your passion for the causes you support by posting pictures and sharing on social media ways others can join you in supporting the cause.

5. Annual Reviews.

Does anybody disagree that life changes in the blink of an eye? With that said, a year often seems like an ETERNITY! It’s crucial that you condition your customers to meet with you (you or your staff) at least once a year to review their coverage and ensure their personal protection is up-to-date and accurate. 

Here is the word track we use to address the importance of annual reviews with our customers: 

“Susan, our agency insures over 4,000 great customers just like you in our community.  And every single day as sure as the sun comes up, we have claims. Most days we have multiple claims. Through the years we’ve seen everything from basic glass repairs to auto fatalities, and everything in between. We never know which one of our 4,000 customers will have a claim, but we know it will be at least one. So, the reason we need to meet is to be 100% certain that when it’s your turn to have a claim (and statistically speaking, you will) we have you properly protected so you are covered exactly how you should be. Does that make sense? Great, how about we get together tomorrow at 4PM?”

That is how we strengthen customer relationships and demonstrate tremendous value in helping our customers and communicating our sincerity about their well-being.

Challenge yourself to connect with your customers more often and on a deeper level.  These five tips are great ways to get started. 

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