Pressure-free Pivot: Part 1 [Remove the fear of rejection]

2021-11-11T21:00:04-05:00November 15th, 2021|Customer Experience, Personal Development|

We talk a LOT about transitioning from service to sales conversations.

One of our main objectives at Insurance Agency Optimization is to take our basic conversations during a transaction and optimize the opportunity for additional sales–to cascade to a needs-based, value-based conversation smoothly. We aim to pivot flawlessly. 

What’s the one thing that scares us most in doing this?


We live in a world where we’re constantly being told ‘No,’ and none of us like to be denied or told no or shut down in any way. We fear rejection.

It takes the perfect word track to transition from a transactional service to a sales conversation. It takes one that removes all the pressure from the salesperson and softens or removes the possibility of rejection.

Thankfully, we have perfected two pivots that do this. We call them our “Pressure-free Pivots.”

Pressure-free Pivot #1: “This may not be for you…”

For the first pressure-free pivot, we are removing the fear of rejection component. We go into the transition by telling them we know this may not be something they are interested in. The person you’re speaking to isn’t going to feel pressure because you’re letting them know; you realize this offer may not be for them. 

But best of all, we are going to create curiosity when we say it. 

Everybody wants to know what other people are doing. A lot of us have FOMO, the fear of missing out. This pivot entices a sense that “there’s something that other people are having, and just maybe it will be for me.”

Here’s how this simple pressure-free pivot sounds:


Hey John,

I’m not sure if this is for you,

but if you have a second, I’d like to show you how most of my clients in your situation structure their insurance coverage, okay?


The idea is that we open with, “I’m not sure if this is for you, but,”… and then you can move into whatever words you’re most comfortable with.

… We are going to let them know that we work with a lot of people.

… And the way most of them structure their coverage is something you can share with them that not everyone else knows. 

It’s like you’re sharing a great secret, and you want them to be in on it. To benefit from it.  


When you open up with “I’m not sure if this is for you,” it takes all the pressure off of you because they can’t reject you — you already set the stage for potential decline of the offer. 


The customer also feels no pressure when you set it up this way. They can feel OK responding with, “yeah, no, that’s not for me or I’m not interested.” 

You can say, “That’s okay, I had figured it wouldn’t be.”

Try it.


Get More: Overcoming objections can be hard to get the hang of. We’ve designed these scripts to make it easy for anyone to make the pivot to get them interested.

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