The Value of a Workplace Buddy System

2023-01-20T15:39:39-05:00January 22nd, 2023|Coaching & Team|

peer support


Studies have shown that when you go through something alone you are stacking the odds against yourself. You make it harder to succeed.

One study found that your probability of success with implementing meaningful change on your own — without the support of others — is around 10%.

That’s terrible odds.

Why do that to yourself?

The study went on to say that your success rate is nearly seven times greater with peer support than without it.

You don’t need a degree in mathematics to know that 80% is greater than 10%. It’s a no-brainer.

Remember the Buddy System in grade school? You paired up with a classmate to navigate school experiences together. New things didn’t have to be scary — you had a buddy to help you feel safe and capable and supported.

The Buddy System works in professional settings, too. Commonly used in new employee onboarding, establishing a Buddy System (also called a Mentor Program) help newbies feel welcome and supported as they acclimate to a new office culture. These programs help make sense of a ton of new information that usually comes fast — and provide a comfortable go-to person for the things not found in an employee handbook.

But as the owner of your Agency, you might feel you don’t need a Mentor. You’re “the boss,” after all. You’re the one serving as the Mentor.

Truthfully, every professional can benefit from a Coach or Mentor. Some of the most successful business leaders of all time have been Mentors and Mentees

 – Warren Buffett and Bill Gates

 – Richard Branson and airline engineer Sir Freddie Laker

 – Oprah Winfrey and Maya Angelou


So, what about you?

Are you ready to set aside your ego, your pride, your doubt, or whatever else has been keeping you from working with a Coach or Mentor?

At Insurance Agency Optimization we stack the odds in your favor.

  • You’ll have trained, experienced Agent-coaches to guide you
  • You’ll have access to proven systems that drive better results, including a complete team Accountability program
  • You’ll be connected to a group of like-minded Agents

If you’re serious about your goals and dreams, and ready to start living the life that you know you are capable of, then join our Masterminds program now.

The “Buddy System” form of peer support has worked since grade school — and it still works today!

Is your agency optimized?

Are you consistently:

  • Holding team meetings
  • Connecting with key community influencers
  • Holding your team accountable
  • Staying on top of industry updates

You know what to do; you just need a hand. That’s where we come in.

> Watch a demo now!

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